After the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, strong public health infrastructure is necessary for a nation’s population. Healthcare is the preservation or enhancement of health through sickness, disability, depression, other physical or emotional disorders, prevention, diagnosis, and recovery. It covers dentistry, psychiatry, care, pharmaceutical company, physical therapy, ergotherapy, etc. Access to Healthcare ranges from country to country and is largely affected by economic and social influences.
Some depend on the state, as they do with one-payer. Most countries rely on private life insurance companies, and all are combined under the third community of countries, including the United States. The consistency and productivity of a nation’s healthiest cities will greatly influence the quality of life of its people. The well-being of a country ultimately relies on how it will meet its inhabitants, which is why it is so critical to have a reliable Public Health System.
So, here are the ten countries considered to have the most advanced system for their public health.
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- Denmark
- Austria
- Japan
- Australia
- France
- Spain
- Belgium
- United Kingdom
10. United Kingdom
Population: | 67,649,374 |
Birth Rate: | 11.267/1000 people |
Death Rate: | 10.4/1000 people |

The National Health Service is a publicly funded universal healthcare system in the United Kingdom (NHS). A number of publicly funded healthcare systems make up the NHS in the UK.
In the United Kingdom, healthcare is a provincial responsibility, with separate publicly-funded health care systems in each of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, each of which is also supported by a smaller private sector and voluntary organisation. These systems are each funded by and answerable to separate governments and parliaments. Since devolution, there have been many differences between these systems as a outcome of the distinct priorities and policies of each nation.
9. Belgium
Population: | 11,674,593 |
Birth Rate: | 9.9/1000 people |
Death Rate: | 9.5/1000 people |

Belgians are living longer on average, while the death rate is declining. This has primarily been caused by developments in medicine, which have also led to better healthcare for infants. The nation is also delivering better maternity care, which also increases the birth rate. According to estimates from 2016, the average life expectancy was 80.5 years, a significant improvement over previous estimates of 78 years for men and 83 years for women.
Nearly all medical services are provided by the Belgian health system, which serves the overall population. Inhabitants are required to join either the public auxiliary fund or a sickness fund of their preference, and contributions are based on income.
8. Spain
Population: | 47,536,171 |
Birth Rate: | 8.014/1000 people |
Death Rate: | 9.1/1000 people |
As mentioned in a World Health Organization survey, the Spanish health care system is ranked 7th highest globally. According to the Euro Wellbeing Consumer Index 2018, Spain’s healthcare sector is 19th in Europe. In organ transplantation, the tourist place Spain is ranked first in the world. The primary provider of health funding is the public sector.
In 2011, 73% of Spain’s health spending was financed by public sources, almost 72% in OECD countries on average. Real-term health expenditure has decreased in Spain since 2010. However, the health sector has difficulty dealing with the number of outbreaks of coronavirus. Because physicians do not give medications, patients are taken to a medical pharmacy following their discharge to carry out their prescriptions.
7. France
Population: | 64,707,269 |
Birth Rate: | 10.914/ 1000 people |
Death Rate: | 9.4/1000 people |
France is renowned for having public and private hospitals of the same degree of excellence. Although it is unnecessary to have private health insurance, it is advisable when you live in France to have protection. The French authorities expend 9.3% of GDP on health, though much smaller than the US government than many other OECD countries such as the United Kingdom and Canada (7.5%) and the United Kingdom (7.5%).
However, the French coronavirus response was criticized with the latest television address to the nation by President Emmanuel Macron, saying, “Were we prepared for this crisis? According to the World Health Organisation, France’s healthcare infrastructure is the strongest in the world. Moreover, the scheme is called the Universal Health Protection System (PUMA) was newly restructured to be a more comprehensive and affordable place in 2016.
6. Australia
Population: | 26,338,324 |
Birth Rate: | 12.085/1000 people |
Death Rate: | 6.8/1000 people |
All Australians have access to the majority of these medical services for free or at a low cost through Medicare and the public hospital system. Alternatives to the public health system are available with private health insurance. You pay a portion of the costs for private medical care received both in and outside of a hospital.
Private hospitals, specialty medical and allied health facilities, pharmacies, and other privately owned and operated health service providers are all included in the private health system.
5. Japan
Population: | 123,549,730 |
Birth Rate: | 7.013/1000 people |
Death Rate: | 11.1/1000 people |

According to the World Bank, Japan has 84 years of worldwide life expectancy and one of the world’s greatest health services providers. The government forces every Japanese resident to carry out medical insurance. Overall, the resident pays out-of-pocket just 12.8 percent of medical costs. In Japan, life expectancy and stable life expectancy are both the longest for both men and women, as recorded in WHO reports.
Japan’s health care system delivers services, including screening, maternity care, and controlling infectious diseases, which take charge of 30% of the costs and the remaining 70% by the government. Here Patients are eligible and cannot be refused to choose doctors or institutions of their choosing. Hospitals must be operated under the statute as non-profit institutions and administered by doctors.
4. Austria
Population: | 8,951,674 |
Birth Rate: | 9.944/1000 people |
Death Rate: | 10.3/1000 people |
The healthcare quality in Austria is high. In Austria, a two-tier medical scheme provides nearly everyone with public funding and the possibility of buying additional private medical benefits. Private health policies may provide more convenient visiting hours. Some people want to pay for their treatment entirely in private. Health coverage is universal for Austrian citizens and residents of other Member States of the EU. Austria’s age of consent is 14 years old.
It operates on two levels, meaning that nearly all people receive medical care free of charge, but some want to purchase additional private insurance. 19.2% of the medical expenditure of the nation is spent out of pocket. Thanks to the initiation of lock-down initiatives, the national health care system were not overcharged by coronavirus cases in the nation.
3. Denmark
Population: | 5,899,823 |
Birth Rate: | 11.149/1000 people |
Death Rate: | 9.4/1000 people |

The universal healthcare system in Denmark is based on the idea that everyone should have free and equal access to healthcare. High-quality services are provided by the healthcare system, most of which are paid for by general taxes.
In terms of life expectancy, Denmark ranks 47th in the world, and its citizens enjoy a generally healthy standard of living. Males average 77.1 years and females 82.1 years, respectively, making up the 79.5-year global average.
Denmark consistently ranks among the happiest nations in the world thanks to its low income inequality, first-rate healthcare system, and top-notch educational system. With a score of 7.555 out of 10, it currently holds the third spot on the World Happiness Report as of 2018.
2. Taiwan
Population: | 23,912,254 |
Birth Rate: | 5.96/1000 people |
Death Rate: | 8.89/1000 people |
Taiwan’s national health insurance (NHI) offers universal, required coverage. The single-payer system is mainly supported by payroll-based premiums, however the government offers generous premium subsidies to low-income families, employees, and others.
With a score of 78.72 out of 100 on the Health Care Index, Taiwan’s healthcare ranks first out of the 89 nations studied.
1. South Korea
Population: | 51,798,371 |
Birth Rate: | 5.3/1000 people |
Death Rate: | 6.6/1000 people |
In South Korea, healthcare is provided to all citizens and is subsidised by the government, paid for by outside sources, and paid for with tobacco surcharges. Travellers will have a choice of both Western and Eastern treatment options in the country’s modern, effective hospitals and medical centers.
Foreigners will receive exceptional care while living in South Korea because to its world-class healthcare system and health insurance. The only issues that expats could experience are protracted wait periods, especially in emergency cases.
According to WHO data from 2013, 81.6 years is the average life expectancy, ranking 16th in the world. Despite the fact that life expectancy has increased significantly since 1950.

The World Health Organisation states that a healthcare system operates effectively for a steady funding process, well-paid staff, well-maintained hospitals, and access to sound knowledge on which to base decisions. Most people consider access to healthcare as a basic human right and a failure to provide adequate health care will lead to average living standards and a lower life expectancy than those countries where the health system is stable and affordable.