FX’s has released a new drama, A Teacher. The drama follows a forbidden love story that takes the form of a teacher and a student. This Hulu limited series stars Kate Mara, also featured in House of Cards, and Nick Robinson has been seen in Love, Simon. The drama premiered on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, on Hulu.
This ten-episodes miniseries has aspects of a thriller and melodrama as passions of the heart control the main characters. A Teacher is an adaptation of the 2013 film of the same name directed and written by Hannah Fidell. Fidell is also the executive director and producer of A Teacher.
The two leads are Claire, a young new English teacher played by Kate Mara, and Eric, a high school senior played by Nick Robinson, as the pupil.
- Ashley Zukerman appeared as Matt Mitchell, Claire’s husband.
- ‘Hightown’ star Shane Harper featured as Logan Davis, Eric’s best friend, and Cody’s younger brother.
- Marielle Scott played the role of Kathryn Sanders, a French teacher at Westerbrook and Claire’s friend.
- Adam David Thompson played the role of a current police officer and ex-military officer as Nate Wilson, who is Claire’s older brother and a decent person but pretending to be tough because his job needs it.
- Jana Peck appeared as Victoria Davis
- Dylan Schmid appeared as Josh Smith
In this series, Kate Mara features a young English teacher Claire. In the first episode, she began a job at Westerbrook high school in Texas and met with her students, including Eric. However, Claire is already married as she is dissatisfied with this and gets into a romantic relationship with one of her students, Eric.
The character Eric is portrayed by Nick Robinson, who is an all-American soccer player. He tried to keep this illicit affair a secret from his teammates, but he failed, which caused Claire’s life to deteriorate. Complications ensue as Claire and Eric fall deeper and deeper into their relationship. This association is deemed illegal in the state of Texas. In the last telecasted episode, we watched Eric and Claire both wanted to move on.
The Hulu drama sets within the broad and vast Texas town filled with cowboy hats, football, and green fields. Seemingly, tension laces the trailer as Eric and Claire attempt to keep their affair secret. It appears almost impossible for the two to keep their relationship concealed as they steal glances at one another in hallways and classrooms. Eventually, things begin to unfold as their forbidden romance is outed, and Eric and Claire must bear the consequences of their actions.
As per Deadline, Fidell aimed to steer clear of romanticizing the student-teacher relationship that many current teen drama shows portray, including ‘Riverdale.’
It focuses on examining how Eric handles the affair and presents the many sides of such a controversial situation. In a quote from Fidell discussing how she wanted A Teacher to turn out, she explains that her goal was to deliver something different. According to her, the relationship is not exactly as it seems, and Eric could be a victim.
The official drama’s trailer is already out. To know what’s the premise of A Teacher, you can watch its trailer here:
FX already broadcasted the eight episodes of the TV series A Teacher on Hulu. According to IMDB, it rated 7.2 out of 10 till now as telecasting is underway. This limited series received a 70% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, which is quite good, and the audience related it to their school life. Along with this show, you can also watch more Hulu series such as ‘Big Sky,’ ‘The Undoing‘ etc.
The series A Teacher aims to demonstrate the potentially harmful effects of an adult engaging in a relationship with a minor. A Teacher on Hulu isn’t based on a true story. Actually, it’s a fictional story, but its depiction of abuse and trauma is real for many youths.
The TV version will have ten episodes each an hour long. So far, eight episodes of this series have been telecast, as well last two episodes will be broadcast on 22nd and 29th December. Viewers are grateful to Hulu for making the rest of the episodes available every week.