Wenwen Han, a renowned Chinese actress, gained fame for portraying Meiying in the 2010 Jackie Chan film Karate Kid. Before acting, she honed her skills in dancing and violin. Born and raised in Xian, China, this multilingual star speaks Mandarin and English and is recognized for her collaboration with Jaden Smith in Karate Kid.
Wenwen Han Early Life
Full Real Name | Wenwen Han |
Profession | Movie Actress |
Date Of Birth | August 24th, 1995 |
Age | 27 years old |
Birthday | August 24th |
Year Of Birth | 1995 |
Country | Xi\’an, China |
Nationality | Chinese |
Wenwen Han was born on the month of August 24, 1995, in Xi’an, China. She is a 28-year-old Chinese national.
Wenwen Han Zodiac Sign
Sun Sign | Virgo |
Wenwen Han, a talented actress, was born under the astrological sign of Virgo.
Wenwen Han Physical Stats
Weight In Kg | 49 |
Weight In Lbs | 108.027 |
Height In Feet | 5 feet 4 inches |
Height In Meter | 1.65 m |
Measurement | 29-21-31 |
Hair Color | Black |
Eye Color | Black |
Wenwen Han’s physical attributes are 5’4″ tall, 49 kg, 29-21-31, and black hair and eyes.
Wenwen Han Career
Renowned Chinese actress Wenwen Han gained popularity through her teenage portrayal of Meiying in the 2010 Jackie Chan film Karate Kid. Before stepping into the acting world, she honed her skills as a dancer and violinist.
With a growing fan base, Han has garnered over 10,000 Twitter followers. Born and raised in Xian, China, she is fluent in Mandarin and English. Her acting prowess was showcased alongside Jaden Smith in Karate Kid.
Wenwen Han’s Social Media Presence
Wenwen Han’s social media presence includes activity on Twitter and Facebook.
Wenwen Han Net Worth
Net Worth | $2 Million |
Source Of Income | Actress, Violinist, Dancer |
Wenwen Han, with a net worth of $2 million, is an actress, violinist, and dancer.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Old is Wenwen Han?
Wenwen Han is 28 and was born on August 24, 1995.
Which Languages Wenwen Han Speaks?
Wenwen Han, born and raised in Xi’an, China, is fluent in Mandarin and English.
What is Wenwen Han Net Worth?
Wenwen Han has a net worth of $2 million and is an actress, violinist, and dancer.