Whenever we hear the term cigarette, the first thing that strikes is that caution warning printed on every cigarette box. Although smoking is harmful to our health, it has also been proved experimentally people still love cigarette and cannot get rid of it due to the addictive property of nicotine. Smoking is one of the most common forms of refreshment drug use in India. Tobacco smoking is the most common form, being practised by one billion people in entire world. Smoking cigarette comes from centuries ago while people started experimenting on tobacco plants and found its addictive property. The scientific name of tobacco plant is “Nicotina Tobacam”. Dried leaves of this plant are rolled to make cigarette or bidi which are smoked by the smokers. It is said that smoking gives smokers a kick which makes them smoke again and again.
After China, India is the second biggest producer of tobacco in the world. Currently, India is exporting tobacco to eighty nations around the whole world. In recent years many new brands are coming up with new ways to present tobacco to a growing amount of anti-tobacco groups. These brands provide deluxe and expensive cigarettes and other tobacco-related consumables. Prices of these cigarette packets (Approx 20 cigarette per pack) can range anywhere from 50 Indian rupees per pack (approximately $0.9) to 3000 Indian rupees or even more. These prices depend upon production cost, advertisement and material used in the particular cigarette.
We have listed Top 10 Cigarette Brands used in India with their maximum retail price in Market.
10. Insignia

This Insignia brand of Cigarette comes from the top producer in India, ITC limited. This is one of the high priced cigarettes in India and famous among corporates and college going, students. The packet comes in matte black packages which are very attractive and sold in a single variety. The Insignia cigarettes are famous for the smooth flow of the tobacco smoke through the filter and the taste.
Price of Insignia cigarettes pack is around Rs. 300.
9. Pall Mall
Pall Mall brand cigarettes are produced and marketed by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (USA). It is one of the highest selling brands among all cigarette brand. It is well-known for its design as well as taste. They come in two different sizes, short and long cigarettes. A specific technique is applied here in stuffing the tobacco and adding charcoal inside the cig. Pall Mall comes in different of varieties such as white, black, blue, orange and green which related to the number of menthol contents and intensities of the tobacco of the cigarettes.
Price of Mall cigarettes pack is around Rs. 430.
8. Parliament

Parliament is a rich cigarette brand famous among entrepreneurs and business owners. This cigarette brand is known for the production of filtered cigarettes. These cigarettes are sold and marketed by Philip Morris Company(USA). These were first cigarettes which had paper filters that allow only the nicotine to reach the smoker’s mouth. They come in varieties of menthol flavour like Green Pack, White Pack, Kings and Silver Pack. Green Pack is full of menthol flavour, White Pack with Menthol Lights, Kings and Silver Pack with menthol ultralights. They are famous for their beautiful fragrance and excellent taste.
Price: Rs. 435
7. Navy Cut

Navy Cut brand cigarette was one of the first filtered Made in India cigarettes. They are manufactured and distributed by the ITC limited, India. They are famous by name “Wills” among local people… Originally, Wills Navy Cut cigarettes were produced by W.D. & H.O. Wills in the UK. The Navy Cut cigarettes come in a length of 84 mm. These cigarettes come in two distinct packs depending on the quantity, pack of 10s and 20s.
Price of Navy cut cigarettes is around Rs. 138.
6. Benson and Hedges

Benson and Hedges’s brand is a British cigarette brand. British American Tobacco, Philip Morris International and Japan Tobacco owns the brand in different countries. These cigarettes are also merely called as B & H. Virginia tobacco is used to make this cigarette. In 1873, Richard Benson and William Hedges founded these cigarettes in London. Hence these cigarettes are known by their names Benson and Hedges. They are dual-flavoured cigarettes. Benson and Hedges’s cigarettes are said to be more powerful in terms of content which makes them more harmful. These cigarettes come varieties such as Gold, Silver, White and Gold Superkings, and rolling tobacco.
Price of Benson and Hedges is around Rs. 330.
5. Four Square

Godfrey Phillips India Ltd, one of the established cigarette producers of India is the producers of Four Square brand cigarettes. Four Square brand cigarettes are manufactured both in India and Scotland. Four Square cigarettes come in two length sizes, short 70mm and 85mm (king) having either hardpack or large flat hard box of, 10 or 20 cigarettes in a pack.
Price for per 10 pieces pack of Four Square is around Rs. 85.
4. Marlboro

Marlboro is the most abundant selling cigarettes brands in the world. The company Philip Morris manufactures these cigarettes within the United States. Marlboro cigarettes become most famous after its ads featuring Marlboro man. Marlboro comes in varieties and forms such as Red, Advance, Menthol and Clove. Phillip Morris initially launched Marlboro cigarettes especially for women which include the red band to hide the lipsticks spot from the filter and then later the brand placed itself as filtered cigarettes for both woman and man.
Price of Marlboro is Rs. 330 for a pack of 20 Sticks.
3. Gold Flake Light

Goldflake Light cigarettes are made up of brown and golden yellow tobacco flakes enhanced with sweet honeydew flavour. Gold flakes are amazing middle range cigarettes manufactured by ITC Limited. The nicotine portion of the cigarettes is believed to be decreased to 0.8 mg by distilling out the tobacco juices. These cigarettes are quite smooth, and the taste of the smoke is quite sweet due to the honey flavour. The length of Goldflake Light cigarettes is 84 mm.
Pack of 10 Goldflake Light costs Rs 330.
2. Wills Classic Mild

Wills Classic mild is marketed by Classic Filter kings cigarettes brand and manufactured by ITC limited. Classic Mild is stylish and easily available around the world. Ease of availability makes it famous and one of the most sold cigarette. The length of Wills Classic mild cigarettes is 84 mm. Imported cigarette paper is used to manufacture this cigarette. Blue leaf tobacco predominantly used for making these cigarettes, especially for the internal stuffing.
Pack of 10 Wills classic mild cigi sticks costs Rs 330.
1. Gold Flake Kings

Gold Flake Kings brand is a domestic cigarette brand, which is formerly known as ‘Khandani’. Gold Flake Kings is the highest selling brands in India. There are also another brands that make gold flake cigarettes too, including Bacons’ Gold Flake, Hignett’s Golden Flaked Honey Dew, Salmon and Gulckstein’s Gold Flake. They come in a broad range or extent of varieties and qualities such as Gold Flake Kings (84 mm), Gold Flake Kings Lights (84mm), Gold Flake and Gold Flake Lights. This brand comes with ITC Limited. These Cigarettes are made from Golden tobacco, hence named as Gold Flake Kings.
Price of Gold Flake Kings: Pack of 10 costs Rs 330.
We believe this guide top 10 India’s best cigarette brands will help you find perfect cigarette quickly than spending time on research or trial and error. Do you like any brand specifically from this list or use any other brand, not on this list, let us know using our comments section. Share the list Facebook with your smoking group and ask for their opinion.