Video games have adamantly refuted Hollywood plans to adapt them into something we can enjoy binging on for quite a while. However, the fights and continuous resilience are finally bearing fruits with Assasins Creed being adopted into a TV Series. Only recently, we got the second season of “The Witcher,” which is based on video game series. It has grown into a top-rated series with a rating of 91% on Rotten Tomatoes. Just the other day, Paramount released the adventure series of the Master Chief woven altogether in the “Halo” series. Ever since Netflix announced that we would get a tv series of the famous video game “Assasins Creed,” it has been a minute since we got any updates on the progress of the series. With other steaming Networks failing to adopt this game into a series, will Netflix prove them wrong this time around?
Assassins Creed Release Date: When will it air?

When the TV series will see the light of day is yet to be revealed by the show’s creators and the relevant streaming channel. Every binge-watcher hopes that when the right time comes, Netflix will release the whole series as a whole and not in bits. Netflix is yet to inform us of the number of episodes the series will have, but we can only hope it will be worth the wait. If Filming progresses smoothly, we should expect to watch the movie before 2022 ends.
Assassins Creed Plot: What will happen?

Just after the series got announced in 2020, Peter Friedlander, Netflix President, announced that they would be working with Ubisoft to tell the story of the Assasins creed. This has been the bestselling video game of all time based on its historical world, which has appealed to most global audiences. The game is on its twelfth episode, meaning that there will be no instance where the creator will be short of material to adapt. Like the game itself, it is expected that the series will also go to its twelfth episode and maybe even more. We expect the game’s popularity to mirror the performance of the series. Other creators have loosely followed the game’s broad strokes, but we expect Netflix to know better and stick closely to the game’s storyline.
Assassins Creed Cast: Who will appear?

Information on who will be cast on the first season of the Assasins creed series is a grey area that we expect to be explored soon enough. If you thought the assassins guild famous blades are the only things that have been kept under wraps, then you are wrong. However, the showrunners have been confirmed, and Jeb Stuart, famous for writing “Die Hard,” will be on board. Kurzel combined big names but still could not revive his show which misfired back then, but we could be hopeful enough and expect that Netflix will do right by this one.
Assassins Creed Trailer: When can we watch?
The new series trailer is yet to be out, and there is no information hinting on when Netflix will release it. Netflix, however, has some fantastic shows that have been adapted from fantastic video games. The Witcher is one of the very famous adaptations that will be worth your time and money.