Akuma-kun is an upcoming Netflix series based on the 1960 Manga by Shigeru Mizuki. It is not the first time the manga will be receiving a remake as the first adaptation was a live-action by Toei Animation in the 1960s, and it ran for 42 episodes. The upcoming Netflix series will be based 30 years after the live-action adaptation and explore the devil child’s journey to restoring tranquility. Here is everything we know about the upcoming show.
Akuma-kun Season 1 Release Date: When will it release on Netflix?
Unfortunately, a specific release date has not been set, and we have yet to determine just how soon the series will be available for streaming on Netflix. According to What’s on Netflix, the series is among some shows that will premiere in the fall of 2023. Since production is yet to start, the high possibility is that the series will not be available until late 2023 or early 2024.
— アニメ『悪魔くん』公式 (@Anime_Akumakun) March 8, 2023
初代悪魔くん/埋れ木真吾:#三田ゆう子#悪魔くん pic.twitter.com/FwPqI15tzM
Akuma-kun Season 1 Plot
The series is an adaptation of the Manga series written by Shigeru Mizuki, which debuted in the 1960s. The plot explores the child prodigy who appears once in 10,000 years, wants to create a peaceful world and believes that harnessing the devil’s power is the way to achieve his goal. The upcoming adaptation will be set in 1989, 30 years after the tv anime version. The upcoming plot will revolve around Ichiro Ureki, the series protagonist and the genius boy raised by the Devil. He goes on a journey with Mephisto III, his partner, to solve the mysterious incidences caused by his guardians, the devil.
Akuma-kun Season 1 Cast
If you watched the original adaptation of the animation series, expect to hear some of your favorite voice actors in the reboot. Yuko Mita and Toshio Furukawa will reprise their roles in the animation series. Junichi Sato will also return to direct the Netflix show. He has worked in several other shows, including Place to Place, Deaimon, and A Centaurs Life. The Head writer of the project will be Hiroshi Onogi, best known for Full Metal Alchemist; Brotherhood. We don’t know the other series cast, but we know that Netflix will provide us with the updates soon. We may see some of the series’ previous adaptation actors reprising their roles or completely different voices in the cast lineup. Since the series is s one of the biggest shows on Netflix and is planned to Commemorate Shigeru Mizuki’s 100th anniversary, competent casts must be sought to make the series successful.
Akuma-kun Season 1 Trailer
A trailer for the Akuma-kun series is yet to be released, and it will not be coming out anytime soon. The series announcement came in early this year, and the high chance is that preproduction of the Akuma-kun series is yet to start. If filming starts early, expect the animation to hit your screens before the year ends. If it starts later in the year, the perfect time is 2024.
Before we get to see the trailer or teaser of the animation, there are several animations that you can check out on Netflix. Some of the newly released animations are the Vinland Saga Season 2. Several upcoming animations like The Magicians Elephant, Nimona, Leo, Chicken Run 2: Dawn of the Nugget, Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie, and The Monkey King.