Home Entertainment Scientific Study Concludes ‘Sinister’ Is The Scariest Movie Ever Produced After Examining...

Scientific Study Concludes ‘Sinister’ Is The Scariest Movie Ever Produced After Examining The Heart Rates Of Viewers During Horror Films!

The Sinner Season

So, have you decided which horror movie you are gonna watch this Halloween? If you haven’t, it alright because you don’t need to go and search for the top 10 scariest movies. A scientific study has proven that Sinister (2012) is the scariest movie ever made! We know that different people have different endurance levels to jumpscare; some pop up from the sofa quickly while some freeze at a place, so instead of asking people to recommend a scary movie, trust the science!

Research methodology:

After going through the critics’ reviews and Reddit recommendations, broadband choices selected a list of 50 horror movies. Then, some lucky individuals were invited and were offered some popcorn to watch the film. The heart rates of these viewers were recorded while watching the movie. Every individual’s heartbeat was recorded before watching the movie, and it was 65 beats per minute. It went straight to 86 beats per minute while watching Sinister; it is a 32% increase in beats per minute. No other movies touched these numbers, and Sinister is now crowned as the scariest movie. However, almost 100 hours of watch time also revealed the king of jump scares, and it is not Sinister; insidious 2010 had a particular horror scene that Sikes the heartbeat to 133 BPM! No other jump scare was close to this one, and overall, Insidious secures second place on the list after Sinister.  You gotta thank Daniel Clifford (creator of the study) to save our time and the arguments about the scariest. 

Other movies on the list according to research:

With Sinister and Insidious on the first and second place, The Conjuring came at third, and Hereditary secured the fourth place! Paranormal activity landed on the fifth spot. It follows on the sixth. The second installment of the Conjuring came up on the 7th rank. The Badabook, the Descent, and The Visit filled up the remaining spots in the top ten. 

The Sinister:

If you haven’t watched Sinister yet, you should! The movie earned a whopping $87 million worldwide. Ellison Oswalt, a true-crime writer, moves into a new home, a house where a family was murdered! Now, who would do that? A crime writer who hasn’t written a best seller in a long time. He hoped to use the case of foster owners of the house for his book, but what he found may have been good to write a book, but only if he Manage to stay alive! See Oswalt protecting his family from the supernatural threat. 

Audience response:

Since it is scientifically proven now, people cannot argue with it. But some people do not believe it is the scariest movie. People have mixed views on the research results; as they say, Sinister is a scary movie but not the scariest one! So we can say that level of scary ranges from person to person. What’s your take on this? Drop a comment.

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