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“PAW Patrol” Animated Film: Release Date, Plot, Trailer, And Other Updates! Is Kim Kardashian, Tyler Perry, Dax Shepard Joining Series?

PAW Patrol

Paw Patrol, The Movie, is the movie adaptation for the popular animated canine rescue series. It is created by Spin Master Corp, Nickelodeon Movies, and Paramount Pictures. Spin Master VP, Jennifer Dodge, would be the producer for the upcoming movie while the Founder and CEO, Adam Beder, will be the executive producer.

The film is going to have Cal Brunker as director; Cal has under his belt a retinue of successful animated flicks. This includes Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2005), Ice Age: Dawn of Dinosaurs (2008), Despicable Me (2010), The Secret Life of Pets(2016), and a host of others.

The production has assembled a star-studded cast for the movie adaptation of the Paw Patrol series. This will surely make the movie’s reception better than average and loved by fans of the running series.

Paw Patrol Cast: Who will be the part of it?

As earlier mentioned, the movie boasts of a great cast. Stars such as Kim Kardashian West, Jimmy Kimmel, Tyler Perry, Iain Armitage (Big Little Lies and Young Sheldon), Yara Shahidi (Black-ish and Grown-ish), Dax Shepard (Punk’dPunk’d and Parenthood), Randall Park (WandaVision, Supah Ninjas and Fresh Off the Boat), Will Brisbin (Forbidden Playground and Tiny Plastic Men), and Marsai Martin (Voice in Goldie & Bear, and Black-ish). All this cast are all going to be voicing their parts in the animated film.

Paw Patrol Release Date: When will it premiere in theater?

Announcement for production in 2019, the movie has currently been produced with all cast members and crew working remotely. Paramount is poised to releasing the animated movie to theaters on August 20, 2021. 

Paw Patrol Plot and Expected Plot: What can we expect?

The movie is based on the popular series “Paw Patrol” created by Keith Chapman. The Canadian animated TV series targeted towards kids has been running for over seven years. With seven seasons and counting, the show follows a young boy, Ryder, who conducts a search and rescue mission with a group of dogs named the PAW Patrol. They all work on these missions to maintain the safety of the shoreside society of Adventure Bay. Every dog has its own special and distinct set of skills based on different emergencies. Tasks ranging from a firefighter, a police officer, and a pilot. The dogs stay in their doghouses, which change into vehicles for the various missions as needed. They also have backpacks called “pup packs” that possess tools relating to the jobs.

The movie will follow Ryder and his group of dogs who are invited to Adventure City to prevent Mayor Humdinger from turning the busy metropolis into a state of anarchy and chaos.

Paw Patrol Trailer: When can we watch it?

The trailer for the movie is not yet out since production is underway. Here is a link to watch the animated series on which the film is based on.

What are your expectations for the movie?

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