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Memories of The Alhambra Season 2: Release Date, Cast, Plot, Storyline, And All Updates You Need To Know!


The first season of this South Korean television series premiered from December 1, 2018, to January 20, 2019. The series, which is also streamed online on Netflix, is a combination of Thriller, science fiction, and romance. The first season release had a total of sixteen episodes. Directed by Ahn Gil-Ho and produced by Studio Dragon and Chorokbaem Media, the series received quite a positive review and response from the viewers. The IMDb gave it a rating of 7.8/ 10, which is relatively good. Primarily, the filming of this series was in Spain, but the later episodes got shot in South Korea

Since the first release in December, there has not been much saying about the show leading to concern among fans about this series’s fate.

Memories of The Alhambra Season 2 Cast:

The key characters, both primary and supporting cast that will star in this series include Hyun Bin playing as Yoo Jin-Woo, Park Shin-Hye playing the role of Jung Hee-joo/ Emma, Lee Chae-Yoon playing as young Jung Hee-joo, Park Chan-Yeol as Jung Se-Joo, Kim Jun-Eui playing the role of young Jung Se-Joo, Kim Yong-rim playing the role of Oh Young-shim, Lee Re playing as Jung Min-Joo and Lee Hak-Joo as Kim Sang-bum. There are also several other characters that will make guest appearances.

Memories of The Alhambra Season 2 Release Date: When will it release on Netflix?

The Fantasy television series had its first premiere in December 2018. It attracted instant popularity among the audience. As a result of this immense success, viewers expect a second season to the series soon enough. However, there has been no confirmed announcement regarding the release of the second season by the producers of the show or Netflix. There is a high possibility that the second season could come in the mid or late 2021 or early 2022. 

Memories of The Alhambra Season 2 Release Date

Memories of The Alhambra Season 2 Plot Predictions: What is going to happen next?

Season one of Memories of the Alhambra begins when a man, seemingly scared of something, is running for his life in Barcelona. After picking up an unfamiliar call while attending a business trip in Spain, CEO Yu Jin-U decides to go on an adventurous mission known as Granada. After many twists and turns here and there in the story, Se-Ju cannot establish whoever has cracked his quest, and Jin-Woo ends up disappearing without a trace, causing everyone to believe he is dead. Fans guess that Jin-Woo is still alive since there is no showing of his dead body. Chances are the next season will be interesting as the story happens to reveal whether Jin-Woo is alive are dead.

Memories of The Alhambra Season 2 Storyline: What is it about?

Upon receiving information about an AR game made about the wars in the medieval Alhambra, The CEO of an investment company sets out to travel to Granada, a place in Spain, to meet the game’s creator. Unluckily, the creator of the game is missing resulting in Jin-Woo meeting Hee-Joo. The story’s evolution focuses on the two of them taking part in various mysteries and adventurous escapades between the AR world and the real world.

Memories of The Alhambra Season 2 Trailer: When can we watch it?

Till now, there is no trailer released of season 2. We are waiting for an update for the trailer of the ‘Memories of the Alhambra’ season 2. You can check out the season 1 trailer to refresh your memories. If you haven’t seen the show yet, head over to Netflix to catch all the previous season episodes.


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