Country Queen is a Kenyan drama series that explores life in the countryside and the corruption that threatens to destroy a once peaceful place. Written and produced by Good Karma Fiction, the series is the first Kenyan film to appear on Netflix and it features the life of Akisa, a city girl who aspires to eradicate her village from the evil that lurks.
A minefield in the village seems like a lifelong adventure but when it threatens to wipe out the existence of human inhabitation, the city girl has to choose between the luxurious life or the tedious but rewarding job ahead. But will Akisa succeed?
Country Queen Season 2 Release Date:
The series is yet to receive a green light for the second season and since no information has been released so far, everybody is in the dark about the series’ future. The first series had quite a dramatic ending that could catalyze the series renewal but so far nothing can be assumed. The first season was released on 16th July with six episodes and the second season might follow the same trend. A month after the series’ release, it has a rating of 5.7/10 on IMDB. The series rating is above average and odds are a second season is upcoming.
Country Queen Season 2 Plot:
Nothing is known about the plot of season two considering the series was to only a couple of weeks ago. The series is yet to receive a green light and knowing whether it will be back on our screens r we will have to look for the perfect ending of the series in a reality that is not too far-fetched. In case the series gets renewed for the second season, we should expect the story’s plot to build on the season’s omens ending.
Season one of the series explained a young Kenyan girl who comes back to the village after eleven years. Of being a city girl, her ailing father was the main reason for her coming back to the village but when she realizes gold deposits stand a threat toward their extinction and a family, she has to fight for the welfare of the whole community. A village with deeply rooted family drama and corruption must find a balance for survival.
Country Queen Season 2 Cast:
The series features some of Kenyan industry’s most acclaimed actors and actresses. Blessing Lungaho who acts as Maxwell has featured in Kenyan Tv series like Zora and Maria, and Sheila Munyiva as Anna has featured in Rafiki, an LGBTQ series that got banned in Kenya a while back other casts include Melisa Kiplagat who features as Akisa; the series protagonist, Melvin Alysa as Kayla, Nini Wacera as Vivienne, Raymond Ofula as Mwalimu and Mumbi Kaigwa as Esther. In case the series is renewed for another rollercoaster season then we should expect all the main casts to reprise their roles.
Country Queen Season 2 Trailer:
The series was released a fortnight ago therefore, we will have to wait for some time before we get to see the trailer of the second season. Since it is unknown whether the series will get a second season, you can check out the first season and the trailer on Netflix if you haven’t done so. Similar series include Savage Beauty and Blood sisters.