Animals take many types and forms, from the microscopic or smallest creature to the 30-meter-long blue whale, and come out with a large variety of dimensions! Whether you measure weight, height, or length, there is no denying some animals are huge compared to others in their class. While we don’t know the numbers of animal species present in the universe, we are sure that there are massive, much heavier animals than people. We’ll remind you in this article about the 10 of the world’s biggest species.
Here is the ranking of the world’s largest living creatures (excluding trees). If you want to see what they are? Here you go!
10. Goliath Beetle
Type: | Insect |
Diet: | Tree sap, rotten fruit |
Lifespan: | Several months |
Size: | Up to 4.3 inches long |
Weight: | Up to 1.8 ounces |
Habitat: | Tropical and subtropical rainforests |
Range: | Savannah and rainforests of Central Africa |
Scientific name: | Goliathus |
Goliath Beetles is the highest insect in the world and is hidden in the African tropical forests! They weigh up to 100 g (3.5 oz), grow to 4.5 inches (11.5 cm) in length, and are in brown/blue/white color. You even get Goliath’s names in the Bible. These beetles are considered the world’s biggest kites, often young and capable of lifting even heavier items regarding their height. Males have y-fashioned horns that they use for territories and future partners in battles. Female Goliath Beetle have wedge-shaped heads used for burrowing.
These beetles have six legs, two sets of wings, and sharp claws. They are members of the Insecta class and beetles of the scarab.

9. Chinese Salamander
Type: | Amphibia |
Diet: | Carnivore |
Lifespan: | 3 to 55 years |
Size: | Up to 180 cm (5.9 ft) |
Weight: | Up to 70 kg (110 lb) |
Habitat: | Aquatic, Rocky, Fast-Flowing Streams and Lakes With Clear Water |
Range: | Central China |
Scientific name: | Andrias Davidianus |
The Giant Chinese Salamander is the largest live amphibian with the weight of approximately 66 lb (30 kg), while its length can exceed 132 lbs (60 kg) and its length is 6 feet (1.8 m). They are regarded as living fossils after changing nothing from their ancestors, but they are threatened and rare in the wild. Considering their interesting appearance, they have very low vision and feel the water waves to track their prey. But they don’t have gills, and they spend their lives underwater. Via their blood, they consume oxygen. The females lay 400-500 eggs at a breeding time that the males take care of them until they hatch.
8. Ostrich
Type: | Bird |
Diet: | Omnivore |
Lifespan: | Average lifespan in the wild |
Size: | 1.8 to 2.75 m |
Weight: | Up to 155kg |
Habitat: | Savannah and Desert |
Range: | Native to Africa |
Scientific name: | Struthio camelus |
The Ostrich is the largest live bird with 9 feet (2.7 m) in height and weight of 344 lb (156 kg) and with a scale of 1.9 in (5 cm), and its eyes are the biggest of all species. They do not have teeth, they can live for days without water, so internally they can make their water and extract the rest from their vegetation!
The Ostrich is the fast runners in either bird or any other two-legged animal category and can sprint up to 5m in a single step at a speed of over 70 km / h. Ostriches’ running is assisted by just two toes per foot, with the long nail on the bigger inner toe resembling the hoof. In some African countries, people race each other on the back of ostriches with special saddles, reins, and bits.
7. Saltwater Crocodile
Type: | Reptile |
Diet: | Carnivore |
Lifespan: | 70 years |
Size: | 4.3 – 5.2 m (male), 2.3 – 3.5 m (female) |
Weight: | 1000 kg (male), 76-100 kg (female) |
Habitat: | Coastal Areas and Mangrove Forests and brackish and freshwater regions of eastern India, Southeast Asia, and northern Australia. |
Range: | Northern Australia to Eastern India and South-East Asia |
Scientific name: | Crocodylus Porosus |
The largest live reptile in the world is the Saltwater Crocodile, with an estimated length of 17 feet (5.2 m) but a length of up to 21 ft (6.3 m) and weight is about (453 kg). They are commonly spread in brackish and saltwater in India, Asia, and Australia. They prey on all wildlife, including sharks, when the opportunity arises for them. The Saltwater crocodile is the only occasional predator. It is waiting eagerly for its beast, lurking under the water surface. It feeds on anything around it, including water buffalo, chimpanzees, wild boars, and even sharks. It is confusing in the term saltwater crocodile. They will survive on the coast in brackish lakes, freshwater rivers, and swamps.
6. Whale Shark
Type: | Fish |
Diet: | Carnivore (Filter Feeder) |
Lifespan: | up to 100 years |
Size: | 25-4 6ft long |
Weight: | 13-20 tonnes |
Habitat: | Open seas of tropical regions |
Range: | Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans |
Scientific name: | Rhincodon typus |
Whale Shark is the biggest live fish, 40-feet (12 m) long, and leads underwater. They are remarkable, weighing up to 24 US tonnes (22 tonnes), but they feed mostly on small plankton despite their scale. Whale sharks are considered endangered and killed in some locations in the tropical oceans worldwide. This common species is located in warm Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean waters. Scientists want to try to identify a life cycle for Whale sharks. We know that the females lay eggs that have already developed inside and can have more than one litter from just one mating occurrence. Their age and sexual maturity seem about 30 years old at first, making the whale shark exposed to sluggish population development.
5. Brown Bear
Type: | Mammal |
Diet: | Carnivore |
Lifespan: | Varies by species, 10-35 years |
Size: | Varies with species, to 2m high |
Weight: | Varies, up to 770 kg |
Habitat: | Woodland, Mountains, and even the arctic tundra |
Range: | Europe, Asia, and the Americas |
Scientific name: | Bear species are part of the family Ursidae |
Brown bears and polar bears share the status of the largest live carnivorous creatures. When standing on the back legs, they’ve certainly won this place as they are biggest by weighing a whopping 907 kg (1 tonne) and exceeding 10 ft. (3 m) in height. Although you’re going to see Brown Bears in North America, Europe, and Asia’s forests and mountains, you have to go farther north into the Arctic Circle to glimpse Polar Bears, who share their time between the sea and the ice and feed mostly from seals. Bears are really smart mammals. They have much better navigation capabilities for people. They also have a good memory, a high brain-to-body relationship, and use tools in various contexts from play to hunting. Bears grieve deeply for others. Cubs are known to moan and cry when separated from their mothers. It can continue for weeks if hunters kill their mothers.
4. Giraffe
Type: | Mammal |
Diet: | Herbivore |
Lifespan: | 25 years (in the wild) |
Size: | 16–20 ft. |
Weight: | 1,600–3,000 lb. |
Habitat: | Savannas, grassland, and open woodland |
Range: | Africa |
Scientific name: | Giraffa Camelopardalis |
The giraffe is the highest living mammal globally, at a height of 19 feet (5.8 m). Their neck alone is 6 ft (1.8 m). In the grassland of EastAfrica, they mostly feed on plants high above the ground and draw young shoots and leaves from the trees with their long prehensile tongues. After a gestation cycle of 15 months, babies are born and are 2 m in length! Scientists have discussed this long neck’s cause and conclude that it is useful to get high trees. The added height is useful for detecting predators and males use their long necks to deal with other males, a fight called necking. They are polygamic, so a few males mate with one female. About 400–460 days after, they give birth to a calf while standing up.
3. African Elephant
Type: | Mammal |
Diet: | Herbivore |
Lifespan: | African elephants – up 70 years and Asian elephants – up to 60 years |
Size: | African – 2.4 to 4.0m high to the shoulders and Asian – 2.0 to 3.0m |
Weight: | African – 2250 to 6350 kg and Asian – 2000 to 4990 kg |
Habitat: | marshes, savannas, Open grassland, and forests. |
Range: | African elephants range throughout sub-Saharan Africa and the rain forest of central and West Africa. Asian elephants live in fragmented areas throughout the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. |
Scientific name: | Elephantidae |
The third biggest living animal and one of the longest living animals on the Earth is the African Elephant, which can weigh up to 6,350 kg (7 tonnes), and their length from trunk to tail is 35 feet (10.6 meters) and have a shoulder-length is of 13 feet (4.2 m). The Savanna elephant and forest elephant populations are at least two species and included in the Red List of the Endangered Species by the IUCN. Elephants are known for their multiple vocalizations. This involves chirps, trumpets, and high-pitched squeaks that can travel far to other groups. For both normal communication and signal readiness of the breed, vocalizations are used. Elephants have shown diverse behaviors, including affection for others, and show other feelings, including sorrow.
2. Colossal Squid
Type: | Cephalopod |
Diet: | Large fish |
Lifespan: | Unknown |
Size: | Up to 45 ft |
Weight: | 1100lbs (500kgs) |
Habitat: | Cold waters, deep sea |
Range: | Antarctic waters |
Scientific name: | Mesonychoteuthis Hamiltoni |
This mammoth marine animal is very mysterious and not very well recognized. The colossal squid’s height is always overwhelmed and can exceed up to 60 feet (18 m) or up to 90 feet (27 m) in height. Though the largest squid was recorded 45 ft (14 m) long. They have the animal world’s biggest eyes, with a diameter of 10 inches (25 cm). The only recognized predator of the giant squid is the sperm whales. They live at depths of approximately 1000 m, so seeing them in their natural environment is challenging.
1. Blue Whale
Type: | Mammal |
Diet: | Carnivore |
Lifespan: | Average 80-90 years. Known to have lived 110 years |
Size: | Can be over 30m |
Weight: | Can be over 180,000kg |
Habitat: | Oceans. Often spend summers meal in polar waters and undertake long migrations towards the Equator as winter arrives. |
Range: | All the world’s oceans |
Scientific name: | Balaenoptera Musculus |
The Blue whale weighs about 88 tonnes (180 tonnes) and is the largest mammal of all times and 98 ft long (30 m). They can carry as many tongues as elephants and their hearts, respectively, but they live by consuming a diet rich in small plankton. This ocean giant feeds on some of the slightest marine life – little shrimp-like Krill species, despite being so huge. One individual adult blue whale can eat 36,000 kg krill a day. The whale’s mouth has an amazing row of sticky plates to help it suck out its principal food supply – plankton from the sea. There is what seems like a mustache of long bristles on each plate’s end to help it hold the minute prey.
So, this is a short rundown of the world’s Top Ten Biggest Animals. These largest species found on Earth can be measured on different sizes, such as mass, volume, area, weight, height, or even genome size, depending on their dimensions. Although some organisms group together to form a superorganism (such as ants or bees), such is not classed as single large organisms.